Professional and Child Wellbeing in Early Learning Settings

Early Childhood Educators play a vital role in supporting the foundations of mental health in young children. Each day early learning professionals have opportunities to model and help shape children’s emotional regulation skills. Early learning settings that offer emotionally safe spaces and foster emotional awareness teach our children necessary lifelong skills.

Topics such as: emotional safety, co-regulation, neuro-affirming practices, developmental trauma, attachment styles, inclusive settings, equity, and staff resiliency are vital for the mental health of our entire ECE community, including children, teachers, and administration. Early learning settings have the potential to be the buffers necessary for the toxic stress levels we are seeing in modern families and harnessing that potential could be life-changing for families. 

At Empowered Parents, we want families and professionals to feel empowered through science. When we learn to apply the brain/body science of true emotional regulation and child development, we create spaces that are social and safe. Within emotionally safe settings, all children, especially children of trauma and neurodiversity, can live lives that are happy and in balance. In emotionally rich spaces, in places of child development havens – all children shine and thrive.  

The psycho-educational learning opportunity offered at Empowered Parents will provide attendees with research-based tips on child development, toxic stress, attachment styles and co-regulation. We will show why following ‘The Three C’s – Calm, Connected and Compassionate’ approaches can support positive mental health for children, families and communities.

 All of our curriculum is designed to explain how caregivers and professionals can support the holistic wellbeing of children and staff through neuroscience, relationship science, brain/body development and interpersonal neurobiology. We will show how to practice a new, smarter, easier, and more comfortable way to create spaces of early learning wellbeing. 

At our workshops, we will discuss the best practices and trends that are changing the way we need to address emotional awareness in the lives of this generation of children. When spaces are truly emotionally rich and safe, everything can improve. We teach why we must create connected, compassionate, and calm relationships with children. Learn the benefits for you – and the children you work with when you build compassionate relationships. Watch children thrive, and professional enjoyment blossom in places that you never thought possible. 

See the magic that comes from respectful and empathic relationships and how we can help young children manage the day-to-day stresses of their lives.

Possible Workshop Topics

  • Emotional Safety and Cultivating Emotionally Rich Spaces in Early Learning Settings
  • Holistic Emotional Regulation and Co-regulation Practices
  • Staff Resiliency and Deeper Self-Care Practices
  • Becoming An After School Care Superhero
  • Reframing Neurodiversity in Early Learning Settings
  • Equity and Inclusiveness in Early Learning Settings
  • Developmental Trauma 101 – Creating Trauma-Informed Early Learning Settings
  • Adverse Early Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Attachment Styles in Young Children